PS VAN93 Unturned Item ID

PS VAN93 Unturned Item


Epic Gun • Arid Map

Official Description

85 Damage
Hypervelocity Ammunition
Rifle Sights 0.85 × Speed ◄

What is the PS VAN93 unturned item id?

The item id for PS VAN93 in unturned is 59317. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.

IDs & Commands

Extra Information

Useable: Gun

Slot: Primary

Size_X: 5

Size_Y: 2

Size_Z: 0.421

Equipable_Movement_Speed_Multiplier: 0.85

Magazine: 59316

Grip: 59751

Ammo_Min: 1

Ammo_Max: 4

Attachment_Calibers: 1

Attachment_Caliber_0: 58903

Magazine_Calibers: 1

Magazine_Caliber_0: 59317

Firerate: 50

Action: Bolt

Player_Damage: 85

Player_Leg_Multiplier: 0.3

Player_Arm_Multiplier: 0.3

Player_Spine_Multiplier: 0.7

Player_Skull_Multiplier: 1.11

Zombie_Damage: 166

Zombie_Leg_Multiplier: 0.3

Zombie_Arm_Multiplier: 0.3

Zombie_Spine_Multiplier: 0.9

Zombie_Skull_Multiplier: 1.3

Animal_Damage: 155

Animal_Leg_Multiplier: 0.6

Animal_Spine_Multiplier: 0.8

Animal_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1

Barricade_Damage: 50

Structure_Damage: 50

Vehicle_Damage: 250

Resource_Damage: 250

Object_Damage: 250

Durability: 0.5

Spread_Aim: 0.01

Spread_Hip: 0.28

Range: 555

Ballistic_Steps: 37

Ballistic_Travel: 15

Ballistic_Drop: 0.001

Damage_Falloff_Range: 0.6

Damage_Falloff_Multiplier: 0.8

Recoil_Aim: 0.5

Recoil_Min_X: 3

Recoil_Min_Y: 15

Recoil_Max_X: 4

Recoil_Max_Y: 20

Recover_X: 0.6

Recover_Y: 0.6

Shake_Min_X: -0.0007

Shake_Min_Y: -0.0009

Shake_Min_Z: -0.015

Shake_Max_X: 0.0007

Shake_Max_Y: -0.001

Shake_Max_Z: -0.015

Muzzle: 59001

Shell: 59005

Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance: 1000

Blueprints: 2

Blueprint_0_Type: Repair

Blueprint_0_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 59659

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount: 2

Blueprint_0_Build: 27

Blueprint_1_Type: Tool

Blueprint_1_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 59317

Blueprint_1_Outputs: 2

Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID: 59262

Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount: 2

Blueprint_1_Output_1_ID: 59202

Blueprint_1_Output_1_Amount: 1

Blueprint_1_Tool: 59004

Blueprint_1_Build: 27

BladeID: 2

Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements: False

Recoil_Crouch: 0.8

Recoil_Prone: 0.7

Spread_Prone: 1

Spread_Crouch: 1

Player_Damage_Bleeding: Always

Quality_Min: 50

Quality_Max: 50