Pie Teal Unturned Item ID

Pie Teal Unturned Item

Pie Teal

Epic Food • All Maps

Official Description

Baked to perfection.

What is the Pie Teal unturned item id?

The item id for Pie Teal in unturned is 1081. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.

IDs & Commands

Extra Information

Useable: Consumeable

Size_X: 2

Size_Y: 2

Size_Z: 0.45

Food: 75

Water: 50

Blueprints: 1

Blueprint_0_Type: Supply

Blueprint_0_Supplies: 3

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 401

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount: 4

Blueprint_0_Supply_1_ID: 462

Blueprint_0_Supply_1_Amount: 1

Blueprint_0_Supply_2_ID: 470

Blueprint_0_Supply_2_Amount: 1

Blueprint_0_Level: 3

Blueprint_0_Skill: Cook

Blueprint_0_Build: 27

ConsumeAudioClip: Sounds/EatCrunchy.mp3