Can be crafted into 10x Leather
The item id for Metro Leather Bundle in unturned is 57585. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.
Size_X: 1
Size_Y: 1
Size_Z: 0.485
Blueprints: 3
Blueprint_0_Type: Supply
Blueprint_0_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 57580
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount: 10
Blueprint_0_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID: 57585
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount: 1
Blueprint_0_Build: 32
Blueprint_1_Type: Supply
Blueprint_1_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 57585
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_Amount: 1
Blueprint_1_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID: 57580
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount: 10
Blueprint_1_Build: 32
Blueprint_2_Type: Supply
Blueprint_2_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID: 57585
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount: 1
Blueprint_2_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_2_Output_0_ID: 66
Blueprint_2_Output_0_Amount: 10
Blueprint_2_Build: 32
Actions: 1
Action_0_Type: Blueprint
Action_0_Source: 57585
Action_0_Blueprints: 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index: 1
Action_0_Key: Salvage