Kuwait Al-Musaytir Unturned Item ID

Kuwait Al-Musaytir Unturned Item

Kuwait Al-Musaytir

Rare Gun • Kuwait Map

Official Description

Egyptian assault rifle chambered in Ranger ammunition.
35 Player Damage, 97 Zombie Damage

What is the Kuwait Al-Musaytir unturned item id?

The item id for Kuwait Al-Musaytir in unturned is 5011. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.

IDs & Commands

Extra Information

Useable: Gun

Slot: Primary

Size_X: 4

Size_Y: 2

Size_Z: 0.35

Magazine: 5013

Ammo_Min: 13

Ammo_Max: 30

Bursts: 4

Attachment_Calibers: 1

Attachment_Caliber_0: 9

Magazine_Calibers: 1

Magazine_Caliber_0: 5001

Range: 200

Firerate: 5

Action: Trigger

Player_Damage: 35

Player_Leg_Multiplier: 0.5

Player_Arm_Multiplier: 0.5

Player_Spine_Multiplier: 0.6

Player_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1

Zombie_Damage: 97

Zombie_Leg_Multiplier: 0.3

Zombie_Arm_Multiplier: 0.3

Zombie_Spine_Multiplier: 0.5

Zombie_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1

Animal_Damage: 48

Animal_Leg_Multiplier: 0.7

Animal_Spine_Multiplier: 0.8

Animal_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1

Barricade_Damage: 20

Structure_Damage: 15

Vehicle_Damage: 35

Resource_Damage: 15

Object_Damage: 25

Durability: 0.35

Spread_Aim: 0.075

Spread_Hip: 0.25

Recoil_Min_X: 3

Recoil_Min_Y: 3.5

Recoil_Max_X: 4.25

Recoil_Max_Y: 5.5

Recoil_Crouch: 0.85

Recoil_Prone: .66

Spread_Prone: 0.5

Spread_Crouch: 0.6

Recover_X: -0.45

Recover_Y: -0.95

Shake_Min_X: -0.0025

Shake_Min_Y: 0.0055

Shake_Min_Z: -0.015

Shake_Max_X: 0.0025

Shake_Max_Y: -0.025

Shake_Max_Z: -0.01

Muzzle: 3

Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance: 1000

Blueprints: 3

Blueprint_0_Type: Repair

Blueprint_0_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 67

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount: 2

Blueprint_0_Tool: 76

Blueprint_0_Level: 1

Blueprint_0_Skill: Repair

Blueprint_0_Build: 27

Blueprint_0_Conditions: 1

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type: Item

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID: 5112

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Amount: 0

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic: Equal

Blueprint_1_Type: Tool

Blueprint_1_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 5011

Blueprint_1_Product: 67

Blueprint_1_Products: 3

Blueprint_1_Build: 27

Blueprint_2_Type: Repair

Blueprint_2_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID: 67

Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount: 1

Blueprint_2_Tool: 5112

Blueprint_2_Level: 1

Blueprint_2_Skill: Repair

Blueprint_2_Build: 27

Actions: 2

Action_0_Type: Blueprint

Action_0_Source: 5011

Action_0_Blueprints: 1

Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index: 0

Action_0_Text: Torch

Action_0_Tooltip: Repair

Action_1_Type: Blueprint

Action_1_Source: 5011

Action_1_Blueprints: 1

Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index: 2

Action_1_Text: Arc

Action_1_Tooltip: Repair