185 Player Damage40mm Caliber
The item id for Grenade Launcher in unturned is 36002. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.
Useable: Gun
Slot: Any
Size_X: 2
Size_Y: 2
Magazine: 36571
Ammo_Min: 1
Ammo_Max: 1
Caliber: 36011
Firerate: 50
Replace: 0.5
Action: Rocket
Player_Damage: 185
Zombie_Damage: 1000
Animal_Damage: 600
Barricade_Damage: 0
Structure_Damage: 0
Vehicle_Damage: 800
Resource_Damage: 1000
Object_Damage: 500
Range: 12
Explosion: 34
Durability: 0.3
Spread_Aim: 0.1
Spread_Hip: 0.1
Ballistic_Force: 1500
Recoil_Min_X: -1
Recoil_Min_Y: 1
Recoil_Max_X: 1
Recoil_Max_Y: 1.5
Recover_X: 5
Recover_Y: 15
Shake_Min_X: -0.0025
Shake_Min_Y: 0.0025
Shake_Min_Z: -0.01
Shake_Max_X: 0.0025
Shake_Max_Y: 0.005
Shake_Max_Z: -0.02
Blueprints: 3
Blueprint_0_Type: Utilities
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 36002
Blueprint_0_Build: 27
Blueprint_0_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount: 2
Blueprint_0_Conditions: 1
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID: 36013
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Value: 0
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic: Equal
Blueprint_1_Type: Utilities
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 36002
Blueprint_1_Build: 27
Blueprint_1_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount: 3
Blueprint_1_Conditions: 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_ID: 36013
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Value: 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Logic: Equal
Blueprint_2_Type: Repair
Blueprint_2_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount: 2
Blueprint_2_Build: 32