20 Food 30 Water5 Immunity50 Energy
The item id for Frost Snowberry Crushed in unturned is 36022. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.
Useable: Consumeable
Size_Z: 0.3
Energy: 50
Food: 20
Water: 30
Disinfectant: 5
Blueprints: 1
Blueprint_0_Type: Supply
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 36021
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount: 1
Blueprint_0_Build: 27
ConsumeAudioClip: core.masterbundle:Sounds/EatSquishy.mp3
Actions: 2
Action_0_Type: Blueprint
Action_0_Source: 36359
Action_0_Blueprints: 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index: 0
Action_0_Text: ▲Adrenaline
Action_0_Tooltip: ▲Turn
Action_1_Type: Blueprint
Action_1_Source: 36079
Action_1_Blueprints: 1
Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index: 0
Action_1_Text: ▲Sandwich
Action_1_Tooltip: ▲Combine