7 Player Damage Per PelletUses 12 Gauge
The item id for Frost SG Sawed in unturned is 36337. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.
Useable: Gun
Slot: Secondary
Quality_Min: 85
Quality_Max: 100
Size_X: 3
Size_Y: 2
Magazine: 36524
Ammo_Min: 4
Ammo_Max: 8
Bursts: 2
Caliber: 36003
Range: 50
Firerate: 0
Action: Break
Damage_Falloff_Range: 0
Damage_Falloff_Multiplier: 0
Player_Damage: 7
Player_Leg_Multiplier: 0.7
Player_Arm_Multiplier: 0.7
Player_Spine_Multiplier: 0.8
Player_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1
Zombie_Damage: 28
Zombie_Leg_Multiplier: 0.7
Zombie_Arm_Multiplier: 0.7
Zombie_Spine_Multiplier: 0.8
Zombie_Skull_Multiplier: 1.1
Animal_Damage: 6
Animal_Leg_Multiplier: 0.7
Animal_Spine_Multiplier: 0.8
Animal_Skull_Multiplier: 1.2
Barricade_Damage: 2
Structure_Damage: 2
Vehicle_Damage: 12
Resource_Damage: 2
Object_Damage: 2
Durability: 0.1
Spread_Aim: 0.7
Spread_Hip: 0.225
Ballistic_Steps: 1
Recoil_Min_X: -1
Recoil_Min_Y: -1
Recoil_Max_X: 1
Recoil_Max_Y: -1
Recover_X: 5
Recover_Y: 20
Shake_Min_X: -0.005
Shake_Min_Y: 0.005
Shake_Min_Z: -0.1
Shake_Max_X: 0.005
Shake_Max_Y: -0.005
Shake_Max_Z: -0.2
Muzzle: 4
Blueprints: 4
Blueprint_0_Type: Tool
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 36337
Blueprint_0_Build: 27
Blueprint_0_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount: 2
Blueprint_0_Conditions: 1
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Value: 0
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic: Equal
Blueprint_1_Type: Tool
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 36337
Blueprint_1_Build: 27
Blueprint_1_Outputs: 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount: 3
Blueprint_1_Conditions: 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Value: 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Logic: Equal
Blueprint_2_Type: Repair
Blueprint_2_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID: 36011
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount: 1
Blueprint_2_Build: 27
Blueprint_3_Type: Tool
Blueprint_3_Supplies: 1
Blueprint_3_Supply_0_ID: 36336
Blueprint_3_Build: 27
Blueprint_3_Level: 1
Blueprint_3_Skill: Craft
Actions: 3
Action_0_Type: Blueprint
Action_0_Source: 36336
Action_0_Blueprints: 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index: 3
Action_0_Text: ▲Un-Saw
Action_0_Tooltip: ▲Un-shorten
Action_1_Type: Blueprint
Action_1_Source: 36336
Action_1_Blueprints: 1
Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index: 0
Action_1_Key: Salvage
Action_2_Type: Blueprint
Action_2_Source: 36336
Action_2_Blueprints: 1
Action_2_Blueprint_0_Index: 1
Action_2_Key: Salvage