Frost Binos Low Unturned Item ID

Frost Binos Low Unturned Item

Frost Binos Low

Uncommon Optic • A6-polaris Map

Official Description

8x Zoom

What is the Frost Binos Low unturned item id?

The item id for Frost Binos Low in unturned is 36341. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.

IDs & Commands

Extra Information

Useable: Optic

Size_X: 2

Size_Z: 0.145

Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements: False

Amount: 8

Count_Min: 8

Count_Max: 8

Zoom: 8

Blueprints: 3

Blueprint_0_Type: Tool

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 36341

Blueprint_0_Build: 27

Blueprint_0_Outputs: 1

Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID: 36011

Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount: 1

Blueprint_0_Conditions: 1

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID: 36013

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Value: 0

Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic: Equal

Blueprint_1_Type: Tool

Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID: 36341

Blueprint_1_Build: 27

Blueprint_1_Outputs: 1

Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID: 36011

Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount: 2

Blueprint_1_Conditions: 1

Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Type: Flag_Short

Blueprint_1_Condition_0_ID: 36013

Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Value: 1

Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Logic: Equal

Blueprint_2_Type: Apparel

Blueprint_2_Supplies: 1

Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID: 36342

Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount: 1

Blueprint_2_Build: 27

Actions: 3

Action_0_Type: Blueprint

Action_0_Source: 36342

Action_0_Blueprints: 1

Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index: 2

Action_0_Text: ▲Increase

Action_0_Tooltip: ▲Increase

Action_1_Type: Blueprint

Action_1_Source: 36341

Action_1_Blueprints: 1

Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index: 0

Action_1_Key: Salvage

Action_2_Type: Blueprint

Action_2_Source: 36341

Action_2_Blueprints: 1

Action_2_Blueprint_0_Index: 1

Action_2_Key: Salvage