The item id for Cannon T34 in unturned is 57000. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.
Useable: Gun
Slot: Primary
Sight: 3001
Magazine: 57001
Ammo_Min: 0
Ammo_Max: 0
Caliber: 42069
Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance: 1000
Firerate: 1
Action: Rocket
Player_Damage: 300
Zombie_Damage: 5000
Animal_Damage: 500
Barricade_Damage: 1450
Structure_Damage: 1450
Vehicle_Damage: 6000
Resource_Damage: 1500
Object_Damage: 1000
Range: 8
Explosion: 45
Spread_Aim: 0.005
Spread_Hip: 0.05
Ballistic_Force: 5000
Recoil_Min_X: -5
Recoil_Min_Y: 30
Recoil_Max_X: 5
Recoil_Max_Y: 35
Recover_X: 0.3
Recover_Y: 0.3
Muzzle: 42
Reload_Time: 2
Asset_Bundle_Version: 2