CA Gasmask 0 Unturned Item ID

CA Gasmask 0 Unturned Item

CA Gasmask 0

Rare Mask • California Map

Official Description

Blocks out dangerous radiation when fitted with a working filter.

What is the CA Gasmask 0 unturned item id?

The item id for CA Gasmask 0 in unturned is 4021. You can use this ID with the commands below to spawn the item, give it to a player or buy it on a modded economy server.

IDs & Commands

Extra Information

Useable: Clothing

Size_X: 2

Size_Y: 2

Size_Z: 0.3

Quality_Min: 90

Quality_Max: 100

Blueprints: 1

Blueprint_0_Type: Apparel

Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID: 4021

Blueprint_0_Product: 67

Blueprint_0_Products: 2

Blueprint_0_Build: 32